Beachbody Coaching

Legacy Brigade is NOT just any team ... we are a FAMILY! We work TOGETHER, train together and we grow from each other's STRENGTHS! I'm not an expert in fitness or a personal trainer, nor do I claim to be one, but these programs and products have helped me CHANGE MY LIFE! I'm SO eager and passionate about sharing them with others to help them change THEIR LIVES! How could I NOT want to share the happiness and FUN that I have found with this family! We are UNSTOPPABLE! Join our TEAM ... Join our FAMILY!

After I was approached about this amazing opportunity, I was skeptical and I "thought" about it for SIX MONTHS! Why? Because, like YOU, I was afraid of the unknown, I was scared to jump into something that I didn't know what it was all about, I was nervous to spend money on something when my thought was "HOW will I make money." LORD oh lord oh lord do I WISH that I joined when I first thought about it, but WOW and I glad I DID! So ... to help eliminate any of that WORRY for YOU, here is WHAT a Beachbody coach is and isn't! Be prepared to be PUMPED up!

Why become a Beachbody coach with Legacy Brigade?
Hate to toot our own horn, but we're pretty darn amazing! We are part of the bigger team called "Bombshell Dynasty," which consists of 11,500+ coaches and houses several of our Top 10 elite coaches in the entire Beachbody franchise! The best part of being a part of something so successful is have developed an easily duplicatable system that can get you similar results to those who are extremely successful. Coaches who have followed our system went from making nothing from being a Beachbody coach to replacing their full-time income in a little over a year. I am on my way to this living proof and I cannot wait to get completely there!

Are you beginning to wonder what all of this Beachbody buzz is all about? Well, if so then this is the place to be! Below I am going to outline what a beachbody coach is and why you might be the right fit to become part of the Legacy Brigade TEAM!

First off, here is what being a Beachbody coach is NOT!
*Being a Beachbody coach is NOT a "Get Rich Quick Scheme." It is hard work and you get out the effort you put in. So if you aren't willing to put in the time and the effort, you aren't going to succeed and grow. Give 100% for a YEAR and you will be AMAZED!  Are you ready to change YOUR life and the lives of many others?! One simple question: WHAT are you waiting for?!

What IS a Beachbody Coach?

I am a product of the product!
I have done Hip Hop Abs, Brazilian Butt Lift, T25 (alpha, beta AND Gamma), P90X3 and now the 21 Day Fix and I currently drink Shakeology every day and follow the clean eating lifestyle. I do not SELL anything except for a healthy lifestyle that is based upon the principles of each whole natural foods and regular exercise! Of course, I do promote Beachbody fitness programs and supplements because they WORK! I have tried them and if you follow X, Y, Z, then you will get the results that you are looking for! I not only have transformed my own life physically AND mentally, but now I have a more POSITIVE outlook on MY life and I LOVE being surrounded by people who want MORE out of life! 

Benefits of being a Beachbody coach:
* You receive 25% commission on anything someone buys from Beachbody using one of your links. Somebody purchases a copy of P90X, you get a check for $29.96.
* You can, if yu choose to, create a team of coaches as well. You can create a business based off of a team of people who are passionate about the same things that you are. I tend to attract women who are passionate about healthy and fitness, especially those mamas wanting to get their bodies back after having a baby or babieS! But I also have individuals who want to grow a business and create a full time income! The saying you attract who you are is completely true!
* You receive a 25% discount on all Beachbody products including merchandise. If you are using supplements today like I am, just the discount savings alone on let's say P90X Protein Bars and P90X recovery drink covers the $15 monthly website fee.
* You get paid on a weekly basis.
* No inventory to carry, Beachbody takes care of everything.
* Access to an entire team of experts on health and fitness.
* Access to marketing materials and guidance on how to build your business.

Intangible benefits:
* I have found a new passion for health and fitness and have NEVER felt better, physically AND mentally! I'm not trying to sell you that miracle pill, extreme diet, or a whole lot of vitamins you probably don't need, this is for REAL. Nothing in this program is easy, you have to WORK for it.
* I have increased confidence in all aspects of my life. I've always been passionate about being fit, but that kinda dwindled when I had kids because as a MOTHER, I felt content to just be ... MOM. NOW, I have a WHOLE new outlook on life I'm more content than I've ever been and I feel absolutely fantastic. 
* I can give non-expert nutritional advice based upon my own experience. I don't have a degree in nutrition, but I know what worked for me and am helping others figure out what works for them.
* I can help YOU get in the best shape of your life!

So, what do I DO as a coach?
A coach is someone that has decided to change their lives and has made a transformation or who is working on one or who is READY to achieve one. They are not supermodels or personal trainers. They are simply people that see and understand what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle and want to show others how they can change their own lives. It is NOT a dramatic transformation that inspires people, it is drive and motivation. 

In fact, most coaches live very normal lives and have normal jobs. Their job descriptions range from CEO's of big corporations to stay at home moms, like myself! The one thing they have in common is the desire to be healthy. They see how being healthy physically pours over into all aspects of their lives. The CEO becomes a better leader, making wiser business decisions because they are confident both physically and mentally. The stay at home mom raises her children with good morals and the ability to make smart choices. WE are our children's BIGGEST influence. What better lesson to teach your children than to lead a healthy and active lifestyle where YOU set goals and work HARD to achieve them! 

There is NO set schedule as a Beachbody coach. YOU get out what you put into it. The majority of coaches simply enjoy the SIGNIFICANT discounts available to coaches and do not actively work their business. This is a great option for people that simply want to get started on their own transformation and get the 25% discount on Beachbody products, including Shakeology. To be honest, this is why I signed up. I really wanted to try Shakeology and I love their programs and I wasn't really interested in growing my business. Yet, as my body evolved, so did my business and my passion for helping others! It all happened at my own pace. 

Some coaches take it to another level and work on developing a strong business with moderate to substantial income. Many are able to make enough additional income to pay off credit cards, a vehicle, medical bills (like ME!!), and for some, a HOUSE! It is all about what YOU want to give to your business. And it is exactly that, YOUR BUSINESS!! You have the freedom to work your business as you see fit. It is very low cost to be a coach. There is an initial $39.95 sign up fee, which is WAIVED if you purchase a Challenge Pack and a monthly fee of $15.95, which is INSANELY inexpensive for a company of this size. The process is VERY easy. If you decide to get a challenge pack, click on the Become a Coach Link and fill out the requested information. On the second page, choose your challenge pack to omit the $39.95 coach start up fee. 

If you are  not interested in becoming a coach, but would like to sign up for a free membership with me as your coach, click here. It is completely free and a good way to dip your toes in the water if you are on the fence. You can always upgrade and become a coach at any time. You don't need to be a coach to start your transformation. You just need to decide to commit to yourself. Coaching is just an option with the benefit of discounted products and an option to build a business. But it is not your only option. 

* If you decide to join our team, I will point you in the right direction, and even give you specific action steps to take, but I cannot force you to do anything. I can't do it for you. Me doing it for you would be like working out with a personal trainer and asking the trainer to lift the weights for you ... THAT would NOT make much sense ... we on the same page here? Good :)


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