Shakeology Cleanse

3 Day Shakeology Cleanse

I have been thinking about doing the 3-day Shakeology cleanse that I have heard SO many great things about. I've been researching it and think that I'll do one sometime next winter! After talking to a few people who have done it themselves and doing my own research, it looks promising, I just have to commit and I'm not going to lie, I'm a wee-bit scared! But it doesn't sound too bad.

For anyone who is interested in doing it, here is the information that I've found about it. If you have any other questions or think you might be interested, message me!

First, what IS Shakeology?

Shakeology is one of Beachbody's best selling products and it is for good reason. It is an all natural, premium nutritional health shake mix created from whole food ingredients that contains 23 essential vitamins and minerals PER serving. All of it's nutrients are blended together to create the perfect all-in-one balanced meal to help you lose weight, increase your energy and improve your overall health. Click here to learn more --> More about Shakeology

When it comes to weight loss, most people want to see quick results and, with the Shakeology program, Beachbody offers a way to lose weight fast in a HEALTHY way. The Shakeology 3-day cleanse is a shorter version of the Shakeology Meal Replacement Weight Loss program and it offers many benefits in addition to a 3 to 5 pound weight loss in only THREE days. 

Benefits of the 3-day Shakeology cleanse:

* Rids your body of fat
* Detoxify your body
* Jump start your weight loss and fitness routine
* Body rejuvenation
* Break your weight loss plateau

How does the Shakeology cleanse work?

The good news is that you are still able to eat and get nutrients into your body every few hours, which is how often you are most likely already eating. Your meals are balanced and nutrient rich, which will make up for consuming fewer calories. Adding fruits, seeds, nuts, or the Shakeology fiber supplements can be done as you see fit. Your one solid meal a day, your salad, can also contain fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, and vegetables, along with four ounces or less of lean white protein. The point is to keep you satisfied and to avoid anything that is artificial - including your salad dressing. You are still able to workout if you choose to do so; however, I would recommend sticking to something that isn't very intense. 

The Shakeology Cleanse is designed to optimize your body's performance. You want to have enough food to fuel your day and your workout (if you choose to do one). By eating foods that are high in fiber as well as nutrients, it is virtually impossible to overeat. With the high fiber, digestive aids, and enzymes, your body will be ridding itself of excess food and fat, and flushing out the waste. 

How to do the Shakeology Cleanse:

Prior to beginning the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse, it is best to ensure that you can fully commit to the program for the next three days. Weekdays may be a better option since weekends tend to include eating out, treating yourself to desserts and sometimes consuming alcohol. 

When you commit to start the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse, ensure that you have all the items you need in your pantry and refrigerator. It may also be wise to eliminate or hide the foods you cannot eat so that you are not tempted. 

The Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse is unlike any other cleanse out there today. Something that makes it so different from other cleanses is the fact that the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse is actually considered a "performance" cleanse because it is designed to be done along with a workout/fitness program. Like mentioned above, if you are doing an intense workout program such as Insanity, P90X, Focus T25, etc., it is best to do the cleanse during the recovery weeks where the workouts are not as intense.

Here is the daily meal plan that you are to follow for 3 consecutive days: 

Foods and beverages on your grocery list:

* Water
* Shakeology shake mix
* Green tea
* Salad ingredients (lettuce, tomato, broccoli, celery, bell peppers, spinach, kale and any other leafy green vegetable)
* Low-fat dressing or homemade oil and vinegar dressing
* Lean proteins such as fish, white meat chicken or white meat turkey
* Tofu
* Low glycemic fruits (optional and recommended only if participating in a workout program while on the 3-day cleanse)

Foods and beverages to avoid:

* Dairy
* Added sugars
* Breads
* Starches (rice, corn, potatoes, etc)
* Processed or canned foods
* Basically anything except leafy green vegetables, lean protein, low fat dressing, fruit, green tea and water. 

Reasons why you might not lose weight:

First, most people lose some weight, but weight loss is not the goal of the Shakeology Cleanse. People with a lot of junk in their systems tend to lose the most weight from this cleanse. If you've been eating clean then there are less toxins and food left in your system to be rid of. While you may not lose much weight while doing the cleanse, your body will be ready to lose once you have finished and continue your fitness program. 

Second, restricting your calories can be stressful. Stress in the body releases the hormone cortisol and inhibits you from losing weight. This is the reason why you don't do the Shakeology cleanse longer than 3 days. 

A 3-Day Shakeology Cleanse costs $45: Message me to order yours!

Questions about the 3-Day Shakeology Cleanse:

 How many calories per day?
800-1,100 calories per day

How often can I do the Shakeology Cleanse?
* Ideally, you should do it once per quarter (every 3 months)
* When you feel you need help breaking through a weight-loss plateau
* When you start a new workout program

Should I/Can I still do my workout during the Cleanse?
* Depends on the individual
* Don't do it in the middle of P90X, INSANITY or Focus T25
* You will have less energy, so consider doing it during your 'recovery' week

Can I do a 1-day or 2-day Cleanse?
* Yes, some people see results in 1 or 2 days!
* It is NOT recommended doing the Cleanse for longer than 3 days!

Should I/Can I take other Beachbody supplements during the Cleanse?
* Not the Beachbody Results and Recovery drink, it has too much sugar
* All other Beachbody supplements are fine but not necessary

How much does it cost?
$50 per 3-day cleanse, shipping is included. 

How do I order?
Message or email me at

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