
Shakeology has been a life saving fitness and wellness tool for me in this journey of feeling good inside and out. Since I was about 10, I have been allergic to ALL raw fruits and vegetables. It's crazy to think about, but it's true and I've done too many tests to try and figure out what it's from. Nothing is certain, sometimes I can eat things that are canned or cooked, but there's very little nutrients in them so I tended to stay away from ALL fruits and vegetables, cooked or not. Because of this, I missed out on a LOT of things because of this; vitamins, minerals and most of all ENERGY!

When you eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, you are less likely to eat fewer high-fat and high-starch foods, which I tended to do. No, I wasn't ever really "bigger" (even though I LOVED carbs), but they way I felt was kinda just "blah," even after a workout.

When I was introduced to Shakeology in October of 2013, which also happened to be when I joined Beachbody as a coach, I was in instance AW! With 3 kids, nursing 1, working out daily and being everyone's personal taxi, I needed something other than coffee to keep me going throughout the ENTIRE day, not just a few hours in the morning.

After just 3 days of drinking it for breakfast, I felt INCREDIBLE. It sounds silly to say, but I DID!

* I didn't need coffee AT ALL.
* I slept better at night.
* I had ENERGY ALL day long, not just a quick caffeine jolt.
* I liked that I could have a chocolate shake for BREAKFAST and be OK with it.
* It made me "regular" - you KNOW what I'm talking about ;)
* I didn't get sick when ALL 3 of my kids did - hello incredible immune system!
* I no longer "snacked" ALL day
* I no longer felt starving after JUST getting into bed for the night (late night cravings, esp for junk, if a LOT of people's issues).
* I've ALWAYS been a fit individual, but I felt my endurance go UP while drinking Shakeology
* It made my hair and nails grow like CRAZY! Way more than my prenatal made them grow. (Below is a picture of my nails that I had clipped a WEEK earlier!)

I get a lot of people asking me abut Shakeology and comparing it to regular protein shakes that you can buy at GNC for a fraction of the price. I also have had people compare it to weight loss shakes like Slim Fast, Advocare and the like. Well, I'm here to TELL you that Shakeology is NOTHING like any of those "protein" or "weight loss" shakes. Sure, it does aid in weight loss and it does contain protein, but Shakeology is a nutrition shake that is equivalent to 6 salads! You get all the nutrients your body needs and craves in ONE delicious shake. It's actually quite unbelievable. Even I was a bit skeptical of Shakeology when I first heard about it. I asked the SAME question that everyone else asks ... "Why does it cost so much?"

Well, now that I have been drinking Shakeology EVERY DAY for close to 6 months and have received so much success from this one little shake, I can tell you "WHY.

If you break it down, Shakeology actually ISN'T expensive. If you already eat healthy, you know how much it costs to buy healthy organic food. Even a cup of coffee or a pre-made salad costs more than the price of one shake. Shakeology costs $4 a shake with a 30-day supply and it's GREAT because you can make it quick and be on the go and have a nutritious, clean, delicious meal in minutes.

Blend it with some almond milk, ice, and your favorite fruit of your choice and you're ready to go!

What is Shakeology?                               Shakeology is a nutritional protein shake that provides a wide spectrum of healthy nutrients in a low-calorie formula. Whether you use it as a meal replacement for weight loss or simply to ensure that your body gets all the nutrients it needs for optimal health, Shakeology takes the guesswork out of nutrition. 
What is in Shakeology?                                               Shakeology contains over 70 ultra high-quality ingredients conveniently located in one glass, to deliver nearly all the nutrients you need to maintain a healthy diet. It's good for you and good for everyone, because everyone's diet is deficient in some of the key nutrient groups packed into just one Shakeology serving. 

Protein from whey, which if highly absorbable, gives you 8 essential amino acids that help you build muscle, lose weight, support brain function, and keep your skin and bones healthy. 

Vitamins and minerals support optimum health.

Antioxidants boost the immune system and help reduce free radical damage that can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure and strokes. 

Phytonutrients support immune function and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Prebiotics support digestive and immune health.

Digestive enzymes help in the digestion of foods and increase the absorption rate of those foods for optimum health. 

What can Shakeology do for you?
It is an effective way to help you lose weight, increase your energy and be the healthiest you can possibly be. Shakeology can help you reduce cravings and promote healthy digestion and regularity. Shakeology recommends that you replace one meal per day with a shake along with regular exercise and a balanced diet, participants who did this experienced remarkable health improvements. It can reduce your total cholesterol, reduce LDL cholesterol, reduce cardiovascular risk and reduce oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

Why Shakeology?                                           I love Shakeology because I am a busy mama to 3 little ones and it is a quick and convenient way to get complete nutrition. It helps me supply me with the energy I need to keep up with my kids and my busy lifestyle. It is also easier to make and tastier than a salad (which I cannot eat) and it is an excellent way to eat healthy when eating a full meal is not possible. If you don't like eating fruits or vegetables (or like me, CANNOT eat them), Shakeology is a great way to get all the benefits of eating a full bowl of fruits and vegetables without having to actually eat them. If you have high cholesterol, then this will help you lower total and LDL as well. 

Who is Shakeology for?
* Someone who works a lot and needs a quick meal
* Moms and dads on the go
* If you don't enjoy eating veggies (goodbye Mr. yucky greens)
* If you are sick constantly - Shakeology can give your immune system a boost
* If you feel sluggish and need a NATURAL energy boost.
* Need a delicious low GI meal
* Have high blood pressure and/or cholesterol
* Someone who is looking to improve their mood
* People who want to learn how to eat clean and cut out those cravings and snacks
* Those people who want clearer skin
* If you just want to lose some pounds

** One of my daughter's, Wynter Marlena, LOVE Shakeology. She only gets about 1/4 of what I make, but she asks for it every single morning, never fails!

If you're INTERESTED, but still have some questions, please click the picture below and add me as a friend on Facebook and shoot me a message!

If you're READY to try Shakeology, the most delicious, nutrient-packed MEAL you'll ever had, click below and LET'S DO THIS!!

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