Sunday, April 6, 2014

My 21 Day Fix - Meal Planning Made Easy with POST ITS!

Meal planning can be tiring, confusing, time-consuming and FRUSTRATING! Take it from someone who knows! This busy mama was terrified to purchase the 21 day fix because I knew you had to have your meals planned out ahead of time in order for it all to work out. I even panicked a little when I read through the 21-Day Fix "Eating Plan," I was like, "how in the world am I going to plan this all out in order NOT to fail?" After taking a small break from reading, I really understood that THIS is something I really need. A busy mama like me tends to just grab whatever is in site or signs the best when I'm hungry or on the go ... which is a BIG no-no, because I like to grab sweets and junk! 

The 21-Day Fix, ESPECIALLY the meal planning part has been SUCH a LIFE SAVER. I call this program a GAME CHANGER for SO many reasons. It's actually VERY simple, not confusing or anything I thought it was going to be. 

I was still hearing that some people were having a hard time thinking up a meal plan for their week. I wanted to do something that helped ...

So, about a week ago, as I was falling asleep, I thought of a REALLY cool idea for meal planning ... or so I thought. Anyone else do their best thinking at night? Anyways, I wanted to try it out before I posted it and I finally had a chance this week! 

I tried it, LOVE it, it's CHEAP, EASY, FUN and sooo time saving!!

First, I got all my items I would need to do this.

Things I used:
* Post-it's colored to the containers Autumn has provided us (green, red, purple, yellow, orange, blue and I used pink for the teaspoons). $5 total
* The 21 Day Fix Eating Plan booklet
* Color coordinated markers (found them in my kid's stash)
* Notebook

Second, I went through my booklet and parked with a small arrow which foods I liked/would most likely eat. I did this for each colored container. 

Third, I wrote out each thing on the color coordinating post it. I also included the number of containers I get for that day to help me keep track. 

Fourth, I mixed and matched my ideas for my:
* Breakfast
* Snack
* Lunch
* Snack
* Dinner

The first time, it took me about 10 mins to get everything the way I wanted it, but having it visually in front of me where I could mix and match instead of crossing things out REALLY helped me. 

So, now that I had my post-its ready for my meals, I then used my color coordinating markers and wrote it down on paper, so that I could put the post-its back and make another days worth. This part, took me about 1.5 minutes!

Then I mixed and match the post-its again and wrote that day's meal ideas down the same way as I did the first. 


It was way easier than I thought and I'm super excited about it haha!

Here are some things to note:
1) You don't have to use post-its, you could use regular paper that you have laying around, cut into smaller pieces if you don't want to buy post-its. 
2) I can't eat raw fruits and vegetables and many of the nuts that are listed, so your piles/lines of foods that you can eat will most likely be more than mine, which is FINE! Just gives you more variety to choose from. 
3) I am a BIG creature of habit and I tend to eat the same things day after day and I don't get tired of them.
4) We also buy things in bulk, like our chicken and pork tenderloin. We cook up all the chicken at once and it stays great in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. We will cook the pork as we eat it, but we buy in bulk and can put half in the freezer until a day before we're ready. 

The last thing I needed to do was put in into a spreadsheet so I could SHARE it and print it off to hang on my fridge!! 

Here is my Round 2, Week 2 21-Day fix Meal Plan!

To learn more about the 21 Day Fix, please click HERE.

If you think you're ready to do the 21 Day Fix, please find me on facebook (top right) or send me an email:

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Top Ten Misconceptions About Why You CAN'T be a Beachbody Coach

Below are some of the most common misconceptions or myths about why lots of people believe they are no qualified to become a Beachbody coach. As they demonstrate, EVERYONE is capable of coaching - YOU just have to make the decision to commit to CHANGE.

Misconception #1: "I don't have time."
If you are the busiest person you know, then Beachbody is exactly what you need. Cutting back on long work weeks is what we all want, right? And how long have you been telling yourself that next year things will slow down a bit and be less busy? Have things slowed down? You can start in as little as 5-10 hours a week, and the great thing about direct marketing is that you can do this whenever you want, wherever you want. How much time do you spend watching TV, checking Facebook or doing other activities that could be spent on building your OWN business?

Misconception #2: "I am too heavy" or "I am not in shape."
You do no need to be in perfect shape to be a great coach. I was just finishing up my first round of T25 and had NEVER tried Shakeology when I decided to become a coach because I saw the potential the program had for ME and OTHERS. As you go through your own transformation, people will begin to take notice and as you about what you are doing to lose the weight and get in shape. I tell EVERYONE that asks about how do you get people, I do it by SHARING my story. People relate to REAL people, REAL friends that they know! This presents a perfect opportunity for you to share about Beachbody products and/or the coaching opportunity.

Misconception #3: "I don't like to sell."
You do NOT have to "sell" people on Beachbody. Beachbody spends more than a million dollars a year on award-winning infomercials, which have made programs like P90X and Insanity household names. And give the struggle our society has with obesity, there are so many people who are looking for fitness and nutrition options to get healthy. Our job as coaches is to find people in need and share the awesome programs and supplements that Beachbody has to offer. And if you are as passionate as I am about the amazing results that can be achieved through these products, you will want SHARE just as you would about your favorite movies or restaurants.

Misconception #4: "I am not an expert on nutrition or fitness."
The celebrity trainers who developed the programs and Beachbody's staff of fitness and nutritional advisers are experts on fitness and nutrition so that we don't have to be. The programs emphasize proper form. If someone has a question, you have an entire panel of experts to turn to. The vast majority of Beachbody coaches are not certified personal trainers. As coaches, we help others by making appropriate program and meal plan recommendations and by providing consistent encouragement to help them reach their goals. What happens if you can't think of the perfect fit for someone? We have an entire group FULL of coaches that we can ask!

Misconception #5: "I don't know how to coach."
It is understandable that some feel that once they sign up, it will be up to them to figure out how to coach. This could not be further from the truth. Beachbody provides each of its coaches with resources and tools that explain step-by-step how to successfully share its programs and products. Each coach has an online office that includes third-party sharing tools (such as video overviews) for all of the awesome Beachbody programs and products as well as guides for running fitness challenge groups. If I am your coach, you will be placed in a Coach Basics group, which will teach you, as a new coach, how to become successful in their first 30 days. Beachbody also provides periodic local training and its annual coach summit. And on top of what Beachbody offers, my team provides its own support. So there is plenty of training to teach you everything that you'll need to know to be successful!

Misconception #6: "I am not socially outgoing and don't know enough people."
If you stop and think it is amazing how many people you actually DO know dating back to grade school. And if you use a memory jogger to refresh your recollection on all the people you come in contact with, you will be blown away by the number of people you know. You will continue to meet people everywhere that you go if you take the time to get to know people by showing a genuine interest in their lives. Add to that the social media tools that allow us to connect and re-connect with people all over the country. And it is these same tools that allow you to reach people who are looking for proven nutrition and fitness options. There are coaches that do 100% of their business activities from the computer. Coaches can connect and motivate from ANYWHERE!

Misconception #7: "Is this some sort of pyramid scheme?"
Absolutely NOT! Beachbody is an A+++ Better Business Bureau rated and well-established infomercial company that has been around for over 12 years, sending over $120 million dollars in advertising each year. Team Beachbody was launched when it was realized that the best marketers were those who were achieving incredible results with its programs and products and was the best mechanism to help end the trend of obesity.

Misconception #8: "I can't afford to purchase and store a bunch of product."
Good news! You do't have to! Beachbody direct ships any product or program to customers who order through a coaches web site so there is no inventory to maintain. Once a customer has decided on a program, Shakeology or a deeply discounted challenge pack, that includes a program + a month's supply of Shakeology, you can email them the URL which will take them directly to the product they are interested in.. There is also a web based application that makes it super easy to enroll new coaches or handle new customer product purchases.

Misconception #9: "The sign up and ongoing fees are too expensive."
Actually, the coach enrollment fee is $40 and is waived if you decide to sign up with a challenge pack of your choosing (this is the ONLY time coaches can buy a challenge pack). The monthly fee is $15.95, which will be more than offset by the 25% discount on Shakeology if you are drinking it daily as everyone should be. And, if it turns out that coaching is not for you and you no longer wish to receive the discount, you can cancel at any time without penalty. So you can see there is really much to GAIN and not a whole lot to lose!

Misconception #10: "I can't change. I have to settle with where I am at in my life."
You know in your HEART that this MYTH could not be farther from the TRUTH. Too many people have the mindset that they must be content with the way things are and refuse to change things up. That is true whether it be finance, fitness, getting out of dead end jobs, finding a way to spend more time with family, etc. Are you one of those who admires the things successful people are doing and says to yourself, "why can't that be me?" OR are you going to be one of those who commits to change and says, "why not me!"

If you are ready to make change in your life and are READY to give Beachbody Coaching a try OR if you would just like some more information, please email me at:

Monday, March 31, 2014

21 Day Fix Overview

First, I'm going to start with a general overview and then get into what I thought about it and my results in a different post. Get ready to read about a GAME CHANGER!

What IS the 21 Day Fix? 

The 21 Day-Fix program takes the guesswork out of weight loss. It is a unique portion-control system combined with easy-to-follow workouts that fit into anyone's busy schedule. The trainer, Autumn Calabrese shares her passion for fitness and food as she shows you how to make simple choices that add up to LIFE-CHANGING results. This fitness AND nutrition program can help you lose up to 15 pounds in 21 days. Each workout is approximately 30 minutes a day, 7 days a week. There are modifications within the workouts so even a beginner can do this! The unique nutrition plan uses specifically portioned food storage containers that eliminate the guesswork from portion control. There is no weighing, measuring, or counting calories, carbs, or points. If it fits in the container, you can eat it!

How do I get started?

To begin the program, you first have to figure out the calorie range that you fall into. This number is based on your weight and a few (easy) formulas that are in the book to get "your calorie target." For me, I fall into the 1,200-1,499 calorie range. That means I get to eat 3 Green, 2 Purple, 4 Red, 2 Yellow, 1 Blue and 1 Orange container per day. I also get 2 teaspoons of oils/nut butters. Although the containers seem small when at first glance, you'd be surprised how much you can stuff in there. 

Once you figure out your containers, you get the begin your meal plan. In the detailed Eating Plan book, there is a page for EACH colored container that specifies what you can put in it. Then, you place anything from that list in the container and whatever fits, you can eat! It's VERY simple. Shakeology is included within the program as well! You don't have to worry about counting your calories because the containers keep your portion sizes in check. What I did was went through each container and made a star by each of the foods that I like. Then, with those, I planned out my meals, being sure to come as close as possible to the recommended number of containers that I was to eat. 

I hand wrote out my meal plan, so I do not have one to share, but if you're interested, message me, I have a few sample ones. Last night while trying to fall asleep, I came up with a VERY easy idea on how to plan out your meals with the foods you like for the week. I will be trying it out this week and if it works like I think it will, I will share :)

After you sit down and make up your meal plan, then you can begin your prep work. I'm not going to lie, this is something that I was very nervous about before I purchased the program myself. What I found was that it is SO much easier than I anticipated!

Click here --> Sunday Meal Prep --> to get a sneak peak at how Ben and I work in meal prepping for the week on the weekends!

I'm not going to lie, the first meal plan for the 21 Day Fix took me quite awhile to complete. I wanted to make sure that I was doing it correctly and getting the containers that I needed each day, as I was TOTALLY NOT used to eating some of the groups! Now that I had my first meal plan done, it will be be easier to make future ones. The Eating Plan comes with several optional recipes that you can use, which include sweet treats as well! There is even a restaurant guide so that you are not stuck when you eat out.

You have so many options when planning out your meals. YOU get to bargain with yourself on what you want to eat. For example, if you decide that you want to make and eat the Banana Oatmeal Cookies, then you will be giving up one of your yellow containers. In fact, in order to use my 1% milk in my Shakeology, I have to give up a yellow carb container for 3 days this week. It's all about give and take. You CAN have a balance between nutritious, healthy food and sweet treats, including wine! Yes, I said WINE too! In addition, I've been making Ben a new 21 Day Fix salad dressing for his salads (I'm allergic to salad, or I'd eat it too, very delicious)!

It includes workouts?

YES! It comes with 7 workouts. I think the best part is that the workouts are only 30 MINUTES each! They are completely doable for any busy schedule!

The workouts include:
* Cardio Fix
* Dirty 30 (my favorite)
* Yoga Fix
* Upper Fix
* Lower Fix
* Total Body Cardio
* Pilates Fix
* There is even a 10 minute Fix for Abs that is incorporated in the final week (week 3).

As a bonus, you also get a Plyo Fix workout, which could be used for additional cardio. To make thing even better, there is a modifier in EVERY workout so even a beginner can do this!

21 Day-Fix FAQ:

How much does the 21 Day Fix Cost?
* The 21 Day Fix is $58.85 for the Base Kit, and the Challenge Pack is $160!! That's like paying $30 for the 21 Day Fix Base Kit when you buy Shakeology. Apply below to get in my next 21 Day Fix group!

What is included?
* In the Basic 21 Day Fix :You will receive 7 workouts on 2 DVDs (Dirty 30, Total Body Cardio Fix, Upper Fix, Lower Fix, Pilates Fix, Cardio Fix, & Yoga Fix). Plus the nutritional guide with 7 containers that are essential to following the plan. You will also get a workout calendar, 3-day Quick Fix that Autumn (creator) uses for photo shoots, an eating plan, 24/7 Online support and a Shakeology shaker cup.

* In the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack: Everything that is included in the 21 Day Fix base kit listed above PLUS; Your first month worth of Shakeology, FREE 30-day trial membership in the Team Beachbody, super discount shipping (you have over $12 every month) & ME as you COACH!

It's on "back-order," when will I get it?
* Right now, these are the estimated order/shipping dates. Those who sign up as a COACH with a challenge pack, will receive their order within days!

What does the nutritional plan look like?
*The nutritional plan was one of the easiest things I have ever seen. No food is off limits because everything was in moderation. The food was easy to shop for, prep, and eat and you are allowed Shakeology. When you order the 21 Day Fix, you receive portioned food storage containers that are measured out for the perfect portion. You don't have to count calories, macros, or anything. It's planned out all by the color-coordinating containers. The containers are easy to carry with you, and they are microwave and dishwasher safe!

Can I modify meal plans for my needs (vegan, vegetarian, breastfeeding, pregnancy, etc.)?
* Yes, yes, and yes! The meal plan can be adapted to meet YOUR needs and there are directions on how to do so included with the materials you'll receive when you order the 21 Day Fix.

Can I  have a "cheat meal?"
* You just don't want to stuff your face. You can have a treat a few times a week and Autumn does a break down on how to include something like lasagna or pizza.

What results can I expect?
* People generally lose 10-15 pounds! It isn't starvation or quick fix type of program either. You can lose 10-15 pounds and keep it off when you practice the healthy habits you learn in those 21 days. Results vary from person to person.

What are the workouts like? 
* The workouts are 30 minutes long and vary daily. Autumn Calabrese is the trainer and the set is very light and fun. Each workout is intense and necessary to your results. Two fo the things that I love about the 21 Day Fix is 1) Autumn is a stickler for proper form to help you get the most out of every move and not risk an injury, and 2) the modifications are awesome! She is very specific about how to modify moves and there is a modifier in EVERY workout. She is working too ... I  hate it when they are over there all perfect and barely breaking a sweat. The modifier is REALLY giving it her all and I LOVED that.

* Here's a taste of one of my FAVORITE workouts, Dirty 30!

What equipment is needed?
* You'll need a set of dumbbells or a resistance band. I suggest dumbbells over band though. Bands are not always use. I started with a set of 5 lb weights and a set of 10 lb weights.

Can I do the 21 Day Fix more than once?
* ABSOLUTELY! I think you should! The behaviors learned in the 21 days should become habits and you can continue to live a healthy lifestyle and that is why the program is 21 days!

Is it like the reset?
* Nope. The only similarity they have is that both are 21 days. It is nothing like the Ultimate Reset.

Who is the 21 Day Fix for?
This program is honestly for EVERYONE and ANYONE! I don't say that about any other workout so I'm serious and genuine when I say that anyone and everyone can benefit from the 21 Day Fix. The meal plan is flexible enough and there are enough modifications for a beginner, even a beginner that is obese, could do this program with their doctor's consent. Someone at an intermediate level will love this program because it offers a challenge without wanting to quit and even an advanced exerciser (like I consider myself), can (and DOES) benefit from the 21 Day Fix. It is also great for men AND women.

Who is Autumn Calabrese?
* Autumn Calabrese is a celebrity fitness trainer and national-level bikini competitor. A rising start int he fitness community, she's made a name for herself by helping people lose weight and get fit through simple portion control and consistent exercise. Autumn holds personal training certificates from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and the American Fitness Professionals & Associates (AFPA). Her supportive, motivating style has made her a highly sought-after expert among celebrities and the fitness industry.

My next 21 Day Fix Group starts April 21st! There's still time to get the program and join us!! I'm so excited to share my personal experience and excitement with others and CHANGE their lives!

If you think you're ready to do the 21 Day Fix, please click the picture below, go to "shop" and purchase the  "21 Day Fix Challenge Pack" and we can get you started ASAP!

If you're READY to sign up as a COACH with the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack, please click the picture below and welcome to our family!

This program is a GAME CHANGER! You will NOT be disappointed!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

21 Day Fix - Round 2, Day 1 ... again!

Today, I started (over) Day 1 of Round 2! I originally started on Monday, but I got SUPER sick Tuesday and whatever it was was absolutely awful, lasted until yesterday and knocked me down pretty hard. Was finally able to eat some yesterday and got a GREAT night of sleep last night and felt pretty awesome this morning.

I had myself some fix approved breakfast and I was ready to rock Day 1! I was a bit apprehensive, as Day 1 is CARDIO and wasn't sure how my body would tolerate it after being sick almost a week.

Started out feeling awesome! As it got a little more intense, I actually had to ... 

PRESS PAUSE and catch my breath LOL! It was just for a minute and I DID finish the half hour and felt even more faaaabulous after!!! SO glad I started today!!

After my workout, I had more energy, was super focused, happy, and just feel super motivated to get things done! We even got to go for a nice 1.5 mile family walk today, as it was 48 degrees ... but not for long ... we have another FOOT of the pretty white stuff (snow, for all your southerners) coming tomorrow through Tuesday!

My husband made me some deliciously amazing spiced up (fix approved) chicken for my meals this week! Chicken is one of the things that I could eat! LOVE it! So good, easy to mix with some many different recipes and easy to make and keep wells in the fridge! 

Now that I have done a round myself and am in absolute LOVE with this program, I was going to start my next 21 Day Fix challenge group April 7th, but with the new shipping dates that were just posted of the backorder, I won't be starting until April 17th. 

I will be posting LOTS more information on the Challenge group and will be writing a total overview of the 21 Day Fix tomorrow!

If you think you're READY to join us, please click the picture below, go to "Shop" and purchase the "21 Day Fix Challenge Pack" and we can get you started ASAP! I'm SO ready to do this again and help many others get and feel the results I got!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Clean Eating - Guide to Planning

One of the BIGGEST keys to success with clean eating is PLANNING. Think about it ... you wouldn't show up at a job interview, start your day or go on vacation without a having a plan first, correct? Well this is NO different!

One of the biggest "excuses" I hear for not being "able to" eat clean is: "I'm so busy and always on the go." Well, yes!! Aren't we all?! I use to eat on the go and grab anything that was near, normally JUNK! Guess where that got me!? Feel crummy about myself and my body.

Think of meal planning and prepping your cooler or lunch bag as your PLAN for a HAPPY, HEALTHY body! Your biggest obstacle is going to be managing your time so that getting healthy and fit doesn't compete with your other commitments, like spending time with your family and friends!

Believe it or not, planning and prioritzing ahead will actually make life ... wait for it ... EASIER! Not to mention, it will set you up for success in the long term! It may seem trivial but I promise it's worth it! Having everything pre-cooked, ready and packed will be less stressful than leaving your meal choices up to chance and heading to whatever take out joint or gas station that is near buy for a quick hunger fix! Hello muffin top!

Clean Eating Prepping Tips:

* If you are on the go a lot, pack cook-free snacks (protein powder, chopped veggies, raw almonds, low-fat string cheese, hummus, fruit, ezekiel bread, etc.). You can keep ziplock baggies of almonds in your car so that you ALWAYS have something to grab

* Schedule time on the weekends to buy and prepare your food for the week! SO WORTH IT! A little time in the store and kitchen on Saturday means for the rest of the week, you can JUST grab and GO!
*** This took Ben and I a good few weeks to really get down. I was actually really scared about it at first, but LOVE it and it's SO easy! We grocery shop on Friday and find time on Saturday or Sunday to prep 90% of our meals for the WEEK!

* GET YOURSELF A COOLER: Find one that suits you. Always pack 1 extra snack than you really need! Pack it the night before and grab and go!!

Sometimes people will give me excuses about the cost of eating healthy. The fact of the matter is ... I spend less money now than I did before, when I was buying a TON of processed JUNK! Not to mention, being less embarrassed when I go through the check out line with a cart FULL of HEALTHY food, not frozen, processed CRAP! But even if it did cost more, aren't you worth the investment?


OK, now on to more ... what should you eat? That's the key right there ... EAT! IF you starve yourself or even if you unknowingly are not consuming enough, your body will go into starvation mode and hang onto fat for dear life. It might sound counter-intuitive, but you need to eat to LOSE!

Calories are not all created equally. You cannot consumer 1900 calories of chocolate and chips and 1900 calories of chicken/rice/veggies and expect to get the same results. Your body needs all of the essential building blocks to keep your body functioning properly to give you energy!

Here's a meal plan that will keep you full, energized and very satisfied --> Meal Plan

OK - Onto grocery shopping, which can be daunting if you are trying to eat healthy, but don't know what you should be looking for. When I made the decision to clean up my food, I wanted someone to take me by the hand and show me EXACTLY what to buy, what to eat and how to make it! A lot of labels are misleading and if you aren't careful, you could end up buying foods that are working AGAINST your GOALS! Hopefully, these guidelines will help you choose the foods that help you attain that sexy, strong body that you're aiming for!

* Eat a nutritious meal BEFORE you go grocery shopping!
**When you go to the store on an empty stomach and hungry, you will be very likely to subconsciously grab the worst foods for you. Typically, these are the foods FULL of SUGAR that spike your insulin levels FAST, or the ones that are laden with FATS (and/or trans fats) that fill you up quickly, but WREAK havoc with your health!
 ** Make sure you have eaten properly before going to the store. Have low glycemic index carbohydrates like brown rice, yams or oatmeal combined with a lean protein like chicken, turkey or lean fish and some vegetables.

* Do NOT go grocery shopping when you are feeling DOWN!
** Don't go grocery shopping when you are sad or emotional. If you do, you will be very likely to grab "comfort foods." Leave it to another day, when you are feeling better, or give someone else the grocery list and have them shop for you!

Beware of Food Labels
* One of the biggest reasons people gain weight in fat when they are trying to lose weight is because they are being mislead by food labels. How often do you hear that someone is trying to lose fat, but instead, they gain fat and have NO clue why it happened because they are "eating healthy?"

* The companies producing the foods are misleading you to think a food product is healthy, when it is really NOT! The food production companies realized people are trying harder and harder to lose that stubborn fat. More and more people are trying to buy more healthy conscious foods and companies market their products as "healthy" to increase sales. They use CLEVER manipulation words ... and words ONLY. They use words which are not lies, but that are absolutely misleading, to make their food products LOOK healthy or healthier than they once used to be. Do NOT believe me? Here are a few examples:

Example 1: Low Carb Cookies or Candy Bars
* In this example, they don't say "fat-free" because they DO use glycerine and maltitol to sweeten them. Though these two ingredients do not have an impact in blood sugar levels, they do have CALORIES! However, the FDA allows such products to claim that they are "low carb." In addition, if you look at the fats contained in these foods, they are typically partially hydrogenated oils (transfats)! This is neither healthy nor will it help you attain your fitness or weight lose GOALS!

Example 2: Fat Free, Preservative Free Cookies
* This the reverse of the first example. Did you see the boxes of cookies (even chocolate ones) lately? They will read: "Fat free, gluten free, no preservatives or artificial flavors." Is this true? YES, it is. BUT, if we look on the back side of the package to read the ingredients ourselves, what do we see? Most likely the first word you will find will be SUGAR, or high glucose-fructose corn syrup. So it's pretty much ALL sugar! Is this healthy?! NOT even close!

Clean Eating Meal Plan - Recipes

Sample Meal Plan - 1 Week - Recipes

Homemade Taco Seasoning Ingredients:
- 1 part chili powder
- 1 part ground cumin
- 1 part garlic powder
- 1 part onion powder
- 1/4 - 1/2 part crushed red pepper
1. Mix all the spices together and store in an airtight container

Spaghetti Squash Boats (yields 4 servings)
- 2 medium spaghetti squash
- 2 tbsp olive oil, divided
- sale and pepper
- 1 onion, chopped
- 4 cloves garlic, chopped
- 20 oz 99% lean ground turkey breast (you can also use the 93-94% or 96% lean ground beef)
- 1 28-oz can crushed tomatoes
- 1 tsp dried oregano 
- 1 tsp fresh or dried basil
- 2 tsp crushed red pepper (more or less depending on desired spiciness), optional
- 1 cup freshly grated part skim mozzarella cheese (you can use pre-grated if necessary)
1. Pre-heat oven to 400. Slice spaghetti squash length wise and scrape out the seeds. Rub 1/4 tbsp olive oil into squash half and season with salt and pepper. Place spaghetti squash face down in a large baking dish and bake for 40-60 mins. When squash is done, middle will be tender and pull apart easily.
2. In a large pan, sautee onion and garlic in 1 tbsp olive oil over medium heat until fragrant. Add ground turkey. Season with salt and pepper and cook until browned. Add crushed tomato and remaining spices. When sauce starts to bubble, reduce heat to simmer until thickened (about 3-4 minutes). 
3. When spaghetti squash is fully cooked, flip in the baking dish so that it is now skin side down. Evenly divide sauce between each squash half. Top each "boat" with 1/4 cup cheese. Turn oven to broil, and cook for another 2 minutes, until cheese is browned and bubbling. This happens very quickly - make sure to watch closely, otherwise it can burn easily. 

Clean Chicken Salad
- 4 baked or boiled chicken breasts
- 1/2 cup plain Green yogurt
- 1/2 cup mashed avocado
- 1/2 red onion, chopped
- 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
1. Shred your chicken breasts.
2. Add chicken, onions, cilantro, yogurt, and mashed avocado to a large mixing bowl and mix well. 

Protein Pancakes (Yields 1 serving of 2 pancakes)
- 1/2 cup Oatmeal (old fashioned kind)
- 1/3 cup egg whites
- 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (I like Shakeology)
- 1 tbsp ground flaxseed
- 1/2 of a ripe banana
- 1 tbsp Greek Yogurt
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp of vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup blueberries (optional)
1. Throw everything except blueberries in the blender and blend until smooth. 
2. Spray pain with safflower (or other) oil and get it hot like a griddle. 
3. Pour half of the mixture into the pan and place a few blueberries on top. These pancakes won't "bubble" on top like regular pancakes, so you need to watch the bottoms. 
4. When bottom is lightly brown and the pancake is cooked halfway through, flip and cook the other side - this will also heat the frozen blueberries.
5. When done, remove pancake and pour in the rest of the batter, repeat. 

Southwestern Quinoa Salad (Yields 4-6 servings)

Salad Ingredients:
- 3/4 cup quinoa (rinsed if needed, check the package)
- 1.5 cup water
- 1/2 tsp salt 
- 1 red bell pepper, chopped into small dice
- 1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
- 1/2 cup thinly sliced green onion
- 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro

Dressing Ingredients:
- 2 tbsp fresh-squeezed lime juice
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- 1/2 tsp ground Ancho chile pepper (or use regular chile powder if you don't have Ancho)
- fresh black pepper to taste
- 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Check the quinoa package to see if it needs to be rinsed (it often does) and rinse in a fine-meshed strainer if needed. Combine quinoa, water, and salt and bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer covered for 15 minutes, or until all the water is absorbed. Fluff quinoa with a fork and let it cool while you prep the other ingredients. Drain the beans into a colander placed in the sink and rinse well with cold water, until no more foam appears. Let beans drain until they are quite dry (or pat dry with paper towels if you want to speed it up). Cut out the stem and removed seeds from the red bell pepper and cut into very small dice (about the size of the black beans). Slice the green onions into thin slices and wash, dry, and chop the cilantro. When the quinoa is fairly cooled, combine quinoa, black beans, diced red bell pepper, and sliced green onion in a bowl. Add enough dressing to moisten all the ingredients. (You probably won't need all the dressing, but save the extra to stir into any leftover salad that's been in the fridge). Gently stir in the chopped cilantro and serve. This keeps very well in the fridge for several days. The salad absorbs the dressing when it's refrigerated, so it's best with a little more dressing stirred in when you're eating the leftover salad. 

Sample Meal Plan - 1 Week

Day 1

1 cup cooked old-fashioned oatmeal with 1/2 cup vanilla almond milk
1 chopped pear
1 tsp real maple syrup

1 sliced apple
2 tbsp almond butter

3/4 cup Clean Chicken Salad (Click for recipe)
1 slice Ezekiel or multigrain bread

Shakeology (What is Shakeology? Click to check it out --> Shakeology

4 oz broiled tilapia or salmon with a squeeze of lemon
1 medium backed sweet potato (I like to put some cinnamon and stevia on mine!)
6 cooked and chopped asparagus spears
1 tsp EVOO and 1 tsp lemon zest for flavor

Day 2

1 slice Ezekiel or multigrain toast
2 tbsp almond butter
Sliced banana (for topping) - sprinkle with cinnamon (stevia optional for sweetness)
2 hard boiled eggs


Turkey Asparagus Roll-Ups:
4 1-oz slices turkey breast, each rolled with 1 oz Swiss cheese and 1 small cooked asparagus spear
4 brown rice cakes

Red or green grapes (about 15)
1 "100 Calorie Pack" Emerald natural almonds

Taco Salad
1/2 cup of cooked ground turkey (season with chili powder, cumin, red pepper)
Serve over 2-3 cups chopped romaine
1/2 cup chopped tomato
1 sliced green onion
1/8 avocado
2 tbsp non-fat plain greek yogurt
2 tbsp salsa
1/8 cup low fat shredded cheddar (optional)

Day 3

2-3 whole organic eggs
2 pieces of nitrate free bacon
1 cup of grilled zucchini and squash
1 organic apple


Leftover Clean Chicken Salad
1 slice Ezekiel or multrigrain bread

1 brown rice cake
2 tbsp almond butter
1/2 sliced banana
(cinnamon and stevia sprinkle - optional)

5 oz of chicken or lean beef
1 cup of garlic basil mashed cauliflower (Click for recipe)
Side salad made with spinach or romaine lettuce with 2 tsp olive oil and 1 tbsp balsamic or apple cider vinegar.

Day 4

Omelette (1 whole egg and 2 egg whites)
Handful of baby spinach, sprinkled with goat cheese and organic salsa


2 cups of salad greens 
1 cup of chopped fresh veggies (i.e. tomato, cucumber, onions, peppers)
1-2 tsp of olive oil drizzled and 1-2 tbsp balsamic drizzled (and/or red wine vinegar or lemon juice)
2 tbsp feta cheese
1/4 cup chopped grilled chicken, fish, lean beef or turkey

"Ants on Logs"
2 celery sticks
filled with peanut butter or almond butter and topped with raisins

Spaghetti Squash Boats (Click for recipe)

Day 5

Protein pancakes (Click for recipe)


Southwestern Quinoa Salad (Click for recipe)

1-2 cups raw veggies (i.e. red/orange pepper stripes,, baby carrots, jicama)
2 tbsp hummus

5 oz of chicken or lean beef
1 cup of garlic mashed cauliflower 
Side salad made with spinach or romaine lettuce with 2 tsp olive oil and 1 tbsp balsamic or apple cider vinegar.

Day 6

2-3 whole organic eggs
2 pieces of nitrate free bacon
1 cup of grilled zucchini and squash
1 organic apple


2 cups of salad greens 
1 cup of chopped fresh veggies (i.e. tomato, cucumber, onions, peppers)
1-2 tsp of olive oil drizzled and 1-2 tbsp balsamic drizzled (and/or red wine vinegar or lemon juice)
2 tbsp feta cheese
1/4 cup chopped grilled chicken, fish, lean beef or turkey

1 cup Greek yogurt
1/2 cup fresh or frozen berries

Clean Tacos Ground turkey with homemade seasoning (Click for recipe)
chopped tomatoes
sliced avocado
plain Greek yogurt
baby spinach
Ezekiel wraps

Day 7

1 cup cooked old-fashioned oatmeal with 1/2 cup vanilla almond milk
1 chopped pear
1 tsp real maple syrup


Leftover Southwester Quinoa Salad

1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/2 cup sliced cucumber and tomatoes

4 oz broiled tilapia or salmon with a squeeze of lemon
1 medium backed sweet potato (I like to put some cinnamon and stevia on mine!)
6 cooked and chopped asparagus spears
1 tsp EVOO and 1 tsp lemon zest for flavor

Clean Eating Shopping List

Here are some suggestions for a healthy shopping list

- Boneless, skinless chicken breast
- Tuna (water packed), or white meat chicken (water packed)
- Fish (tilapia, cod, halibut, and on occasion salmon and sea bass)
- Shrimp
- Extra lean ground beef or ground round (92-96%)
- Buffalo steak (lean)
- Protein powder (lactose free)
- Egg whites or eggs
- Rib eye steaks or roast
- Top round steaks or roast (aka stew meat, London broil, stir fry)
- Top sirloin (aka sirloin top butt)
- Beef tenderloin (aka filet, filet mignon)
- Top loin (NY strip steak)
- Flank steak (stir fry, fajita)
- Eye of round (cube meat, stew meat, bottom round, 96% lean ground round)
- Extra lean ground turkey, turkey breast slices or cutlets (fresh meat, not deli cuts)

Complex Carbohydrates
- Oatmeal (old fashioned or quick oats)
- Sweet potatoes (yams)
- Beans (pinto, black, kidney)
- Oat Bran Cereal (watch sugar, less than 6 grams)
- Brown rice
- Ezekiel bread (frozen healthy section of Kroger's or Whole Foods)
- Farina (cream of wheat from box)
- Multigrain hot cereal
- Pasta (whole wheat, Ezekiel brand - watch serving, very dense)
- Rice (jasmine, basmati, arborio, wild brown)
- Potatoes (red, baking, new)
- Kashi low sugar cereals (less than 6 grams of sugar)
- Whole wheat pita (low-carb variety - Joseph's pita bread, or Food for Life brand)
- Carbdown flatbread (Wal-mart)
- Corn tortillas (microwave to make crispy)
- Whole wheat tortillas
- Rice cakes (lightly salted only)

Vegetables & Fibrous Carbs
(Fresh first, frozen second, canned last choice)
- Green leafy lettuce (green leaf, red, leaf, romaine)/bagged salad
- Broccoli
- Asparagus
- String beans
- Black beans
- Spinach
- Bell Peppers
- Brussels sprouts
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Mushrooms
- Pickles
- Cabbage
- Sprouts
- Cucumber
- Green or red pepper
- Onions
- Garlic
- Tomatoes
- Zucchini
- Squash
- Spaghetti squash
- Pumpkin

(Fresh first, frozen second, canned last choice)
- Berries (blueberries & raspberries)
- Lemons or limes
- Melons (not watermelon)
- Grapefruit
- Apples
- Dates
- Grapes
- Oranges
- Eat bananas, strawberries, peaches and plums sparingly (lots of natural sugar)
- No dried fruits, including raisins (loaded with sugar)

Healthy Fats
- Natural style or organic peanut butter (even better, Peanut Wonder (Whole Foods Market)
- Olive oil or Safflower oil
- Nuts (peanuts, almonds)
- Flaxseed oil
- Avocado

Dairy & Eggs
- Low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese
- Eggs (cage-free are my favorite)
- Low or non-fat milk (drink dairy only occasionally)
- Non-fat yogurt (look for low sugar only)
- Fat-free string cheese
- Fat-free cream cheese

- Bottled water
- Iced tea (decaf)
- Coffee (decaf)
- Crystal light or Wal-mart brand sugar-free drink mixes

Condiments & Misc.
- Fat-free mayonnaise (on occasion)
- Ketchup (Heinz one carb brand only)
- Reduced sodium soy sauce
- Reduced sodium teriyaki sauce
- Balsamic vinegar
- Balsamic or raspberry vinaigrette (Farm Grove)
- Salsa or fresh pico de gallo
- Splenda
- Steak Sauce
- Sugar Free Maple Syrup
- Sugar Free Jelly (Smuckers or Polaner)
- Chili paste
- Tomato paste (low sugar)
- Mustard (yellow or Dijon)
- Extracts (vanilla, almond, etc)
- Low sodium fat-free beef or chicken broth
- Worcestershire sauce
- Cooking spray (fat-free)
- Sugar-free applesauce for baking

Spices & Herbs
- Chili powder
- Mrs. Dash (all varieties)
- McCormick's (all varieties)
- Butter buds
- Cinnamon
- Allspice
- Basil
- Bay leaf
- Onion powder
- Garlic powder
- Dill
- Ginger
- Sage
- Rosemary
- Paprika
- Thyme
- Oregano
- Curry Powder
- Red pepper
- Marjoram
- Tarragon
- Dry mustard
- Cumin
- Saffron
- Nutmeg
- Pumpkin pie spice
- Black pepper

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Foods NOT to Eat

Foods to Avoid:

- Breads, pasta, any boxed products (cereal, mac & cheese, bagels). Yes, this includes - Pizza, lasagna, brownies, etc.

- Lunch meats
- Processed meats (hot dogs, brats)

- Canned, processed and fried vegetables

- Processed fruit/fruit substitutes (apple pie filling, orange juice, jellies/jams, fruit snacks)

- Candy, sweets, granola bars, candy bars

- Refined fats/oils (vegetable oil, corn oil, butter substitutes)

- Nuts/seeds to avoid - peanuts, any honey roasted or altered nuts

- Soda
- Lattes or coffee/tea with additives (sugar, milk, sweeteners)
- This includes diet soda!
- Fruit juices
- Sugar free/sugar substitute energy drinks
- Crystal light, fake sugar drinks

An easy rule to remember:
STAY AWAY from the white junk! i.e. bread, pasta, potatoes, table sugar, fake sugar, etc.