Sunday, March 30, 2014

21 Day Fix - Round 2, Day 1 ... again!

Today, I started (over) Day 1 of Round 2! I originally started on Monday, but I got SUPER sick Tuesday and whatever it was was absolutely awful, lasted until yesterday and knocked me down pretty hard. Was finally able to eat some yesterday and got a GREAT night of sleep last night and felt pretty awesome this morning.

I had myself some fix approved breakfast and I was ready to rock Day 1! I was a bit apprehensive, as Day 1 is CARDIO and wasn't sure how my body would tolerate it after being sick almost a week.

Started out feeling awesome! As it got a little more intense, I actually had to ... 

PRESS PAUSE and catch my breath LOL! It was just for a minute and I DID finish the half hour and felt even more faaaabulous after!!! SO glad I started today!!

After my workout, I had more energy, was super focused, happy, and just feel super motivated to get things done! We even got to go for a nice 1.5 mile family walk today, as it was 48 degrees ... but not for long ... we have another FOOT of the pretty white stuff (snow, for all your southerners) coming tomorrow through Tuesday!

My husband made me some deliciously amazing spiced up (fix approved) chicken for my meals this week! Chicken is one of the things that I could eat! LOVE it! So good, easy to mix with some many different recipes and easy to make and keep wells in the fridge! 

Now that I have done a round myself and am in absolute LOVE with this program, I was going to start my next 21 Day Fix challenge group April 7th, but with the new shipping dates that were just posted of the backorder, I won't be starting until April 17th. 

I will be posting LOTS more information on the Challenge group and will be writing a total overview of the 21 Day Fix tomorrow!

If you think you're READY to join us, please click the picture below, go to "Shop" and purchase the "21 Day Fix Challenge Pack" and we can get you started ASAP! I'm SO ready to do this again and help many others get and feel the results I got!

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