Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 19 - Hump Day Dinner was Amazing

Today was a great day! 

It was day 19 of my first round of the 21 day fix. When I'm finished on Friday, I will give a total review on the program! Hint ... it's INCREDIBLE! 

I got in my workout for the day with one of my best friends, who is visiting from Iowa and her little one and my oldest, Abbryella, decided to join us! It was awesome! It's a lot of fun and more competitive (we're both college soccer players) when doing it with someone else. 

Here is Kristen, Addison and Abby getting their workout on!

The rest of the day was super relaxing and come dinner time, I was SO excited HA! You'll see why if you try this!

I made a chicken fajita from the chicken and vegetables that we prepped on Sunday. I used 1 red (chicken), 1 green (mixed veggies), 1 yellow (1 small whole grain tortilla) and 1 blue (shredded cheese). 

This was my first time making it, so I wasn't sure how all of the food was going to fit. I put about half of chicken in the tortilla, all the vegetables and all of the cheese, but 1/2 of the blue (cheese) would have been enough. That's good to know though, maybe I'll add some cheese on my lunch. I just ate the rest of the chicken to get my full serving. 

Here is the finished product and it only took ONE MINUTE to prep (measure in containers) and warm up this baby! THAT is why I LOVE meal prepping! By the way, this was incredibly juicy and OMG I want another! haha!

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