Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New Program Coming Soon - PiYo!!

There are tons of benefits that come along with doing Pilates and Yoga on a regular basis, that most of us miss out on because those kind of workouts just "aren't our thing." I'm one of those people. If there is a Pilates or Yoga day during my program, I tend to skip it, because I'd rather do cardio or weights. EVEN though I know how important Pilates and Yoga day are for your body to strengthen, lengthen and lean out your body. I've always thought that to get a good workout/results, you had to jump around and gasp for air, but I'm 100% WRONG! It's time we all take note and realize what these kinds of workouts can actually do for our bodies! It's time to embrace PiYo!

What is PiYo?

PiYo is the new Beachbody workout program that is actually a combination of fine moves from Pilates and Yoga. This program specifically focuses on flexibility and strength training and is best for people who would normally get bored with Pilates and Yoga. PiYo workout program is designed to help you lose weight, build leaner mass muscles, and become stronger and more flexible while you enjoy the workouts.

How does PiYo work?

In PiYo, you'll use your body weight to perform a series of continuous moves, targeted specifically to burn fat as you define ever single muscle in your  body. No weights necessary, no jumping, just your body getting hardcore results!

Is PiYo suitable for me?

PiYo is suitable for EVERYONE, with or without experience. Men, woman, young and old! Chalene states that these workouts are low-impact with high enough intensity to be very effective in building muscles while losing weight. There is no jumping required.

What kind of results can I expect?

Problem areas become NO problem. Plateaus are crushed. You'll get sleek, long arms, sexy, flat abs, a tight, LIFTED bum and the confidence that comes from knowing you have worked hard and look and feel your best.

"PiYo gives you hardcore definition, intense calorie burn, and allover strength - without weights, without jumps, and without destroying your body."
- Charlene Johnson, creator of PiYo

Subscribe to my blog and find me on facebook to find out about updates, release dates, etc!! This is going to be like no other program!

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